Limited to 20 high-level traders ONLY

David Prince opens up daily,
personal coaching to a select group
of Inner Circle traders for 2025

Most will NOT qualify

Hey, it’s David Prince.

For years, I’ve worked with experienced traders to help them better understand how to look at the market.


Read what’s going on and pick your spots correctly.

I’m not talking about technical analysis or that crap…

I mean, understanding what the market is telling you, knowing what trade to go big on and what plays are just cute trades.

You’re only reading this because you’re a part of Inner Circle. You’ve heard me rant about this regularly. Because I’m dead serious on the right and wrong way to approach trading.

That’s why Inner Circle requires a minimum of $100k of capital to trade. It’s a serious room. We’re not babysitting new, small account traders. I’d kill myself if I had to.

There are traders in Inner Circle ranging from part-time traders managing $200k… up to fund managers with $100M+ of capital they’re trading everyday.

And, here’s a secret I haven’t shared… I’ve quietly worked with a handful of them daily.

Yes, for some, I’ve privately helped them every single day outside of Inner Circle. Call it fair or not fair, I don’t care.

For me, it was a way to test out if I could actually help someone 1-on-1 make money trading.

And, the results are pretty insane.

One trader, Hunter, is a young guy, only trading for a few years.

Says, “I just had my first $100k month.”

He’ll send me what he’s trading that day and I’ll comment on it.

Another, his account has gone from $1M to nearly $3M since working with me. He does the same thing, sends me his ideas, I share my thoughts.

I’m NOT telling him what trades to put on, etc. Just, “Hey, this is how I’d approach Google at this level.”

To be honest, these are just 2 tiny examples.

I have private clients that have made a shit-ton more.

You wouldn’t even believe me if I told you how much some of them have made.

We’re talking millions upon millions. I do not see their account statements, so I’m taking them at their word… but they have no reason to lie.

For the first time ever, I’m opening my coaching to the public… now that I’ve worked out how I can put it together.

Only 20 Inner Circle members will get access.

It’s first come, first serve (for those accepted… and most won’t be).

My goal with this is not to take losing traders and make them winners.

My goal is to take you… already a winning trader… and turn you into an elite one. To take the good stuff you’re already doing and ramp it up.

Have an idea in the morning?

Shoot me a Telegram and I’ll look at it and respond.

Struggling on when to exit that Nvidia fast pop it just had?

Send me a message at 11am and I’ll share with you my private thoughts.

Share with me what your strategy is and I can help you execute on it better from my own experiences.

This is what you can expect inside what I’m calling Inner Circle COACHING.

What you get with Inner Circle Coaching

Personal Telegram access to me (David Prince) for 12 weeks.

Every single day:

  • Ask about your current and speculative positions
  • Get my blunt analysis on your analysis
  • Message throughout the day (until 8pm) on what’s working and what’s not working

Get a morning update in Telegram from me

Every morning:

  • I’ll send a breakdown of positions I’m watching 
  • I’ll share thoughts based on all the messages from current coaching students (you get an insight on what your fellow, top trader coaching peers are doing)

Mastermind with a group Telegram chat with your fellow coaching peers

These aren’t scrubs and beginners. You want the very best traders of Inner Circle in one place… this Telegram group is it. 

Interact with them, share your own trades, hear what they’re trading that you aren’t sharing in Inner Circle to hundreds. 

This is a tight knit group of just 20. You could make lifelong trader friends in here.

Hop on one, 15-minute phone call with me (David Prince) Every WEEK


This is only available during your coaching session. I’ll share my private number and we can chat every week for 15 minutes. This is where I really coach you through the tough parts of your trading. 

You don’t need to take advantage every week if things are good. But it’s there for you. 

(No, you can’t roll unused minutes up to the next week).

Add on 3 months of Inner Circle INCLUDED! ($2,700 of value with 2025 price increases)

You can’t be a member of Inner Circle Coaching if you aren’t a current Inner Circle sub. 

So, we’ll just make it easy and tact on 3 months of Inner Circle for free here. 

“What if I already have an annual pass?” We’ll add on 3 months to your subscription.

Get exclusivity and my attention along with just 19 other traders

Right now, I’m bombarded daily by dozens and dozens of Inner Circle members wanting to get my thoughts. 

I respond to most of them. I just can’t anymore for my own sanity’s sake.

Now, you can be one of the select few who can join.

Get access to all Inner Circle PLUS features

Inner Circle PLUS is an ‘entry-level’ coaching program for those who don’t qualify to get 1-on-1 with me. 

PLUS members get: 

  • Group coaching calls 2x per week
  • Get their trades analyzed on these calls in a group setting
  • Only contact they get with me outside of Inner Circle

This will be a $2,000/quarter value, you get as a free bonus.

Take this trade on Tesla in July 2024
I shared with some beginner traders:

I bought puts as Tesla was still going UP!

That sounds insane I know… 

Don’t trade against the trend!” That’s utter nonsense. 

The biggest money you’ll make in your life is when you’re ahead of the next move. 

During this bearish Tesla trade, I honestly got some mean comments from other traders. Traders I knew for years, actually. 

Because we were losing money to start. 

And losing money isn’t fun… 

And no one likes to feel like they’re “wrong”… 

So people bailed on the trade like fools.

Tesla just kept going and going up… our puts kept losing and losing money. 

Traders screaming at me to tell them it’s okay to exit the trade… I told them to hold. 

Suddenly, the dam breaks, Tesla’s bottom falls out and we make a huge profit. 

You would’ve doubled your money
on your risk in 3 days.

Winning at trading is NOT about picking the next ‘Amazon.’ You’re not trying to invest in the ground floor anywhere. 

If you want to do that, get into venture capital… but that’s a different ballgame in itself.

Trading is about money management. Period. And discipline managing your money.

When to buy, when to sell. Go big, go small, etc. That’s your discipline.

Every stock out there right now can be traded. And they all are.

But for you, they all shouldn’t be. At least not all at once.

You should only trade a position when
the reward massively outweighs the risk.

Let me share an example. 

SMCI was one of my top calls in 2024. 

In 1 day, the stock went up $60 (an 18% gain from just owning shares).

I saw an early release of their earnings (publicly revealed) and the growth was insane. Nvidia-like growth. 

“Either this stock is a complete fraud and going out of business… or it’s going up $100 in the next 3 days.” 

That’s exactly what I said. 

The stock started moving and we got in at $340. 

Within an HOUR, the stock was up 17%!

And over the next month, it shot up nearly 400%!

Traders were all giddy… and I was literally shouting at my followers “HOLD THE TRADE!” Stop counting your money and let it run. 

Sure, you can trim some profit, but let your “trailer” run.

Listen how I broke down how I found this trade:

Suddenly, the media starts talking about SMCI. 

No one had really heard of this stock ever, now it’s frontpage news for going up so fast in a couple weeks. 

Like the Tesla trade I shared… I then started buying puts while everyone was still bidding the price up. 

On Thursday, I started buying puts… SMCI keeps climbing.

Yes, this is still a real company with real earnings, but I don’t think this company can stay at this market cap. 

The ‘real value’ needed to reset. The math didn’t add up. 

I yelled at everyone NOT to short… just buy the puts.

Our Options Puts went from $3 ---> $150!

You need 3 things for a trade to work: 


The technical story makes sense


The fundamental story makes sense


The risk vs. reward is wide

If you actually want to make real money in the markets, forget about ‘looking and being smart.’ 

I’ll recommend Nvidia after it’s dropped 100 points… and get told I’m an idiot. 

But then when it bounces 50 points, they all want to buy it. 

That’s just not quality money management and trading.

I’ll help you personally break the bad habits of long-term losing traders.

I can’t tell you where the stock market will go in 2 months. If I tried to be an economist, I’d be broke. 

I can only have a ‘hunch’ based on what I’ve seen before. After all, I’ve traded since the tech bubble in every up and down market there’s been. 

Inner Circle COACHING goes beyond chart reading and stock-picking… 

I’ll sharpen your skills on that… 

But also guide you to be better long-term trading. 

Who is this NOT for?

Let me just save some time here.
For most of you, this COACHING will not be for you.

If any of these apply to you… do NOT apply with me:

  • You have less than $500k available to trade right now — the ROI wouldn’t make sense for less
  • You are struggling in Inner Circle and are lost — spend more time in the room first
  • You aren’t trading DAILY — coaching isn’t worth it for you
  • You are new to Inner Circle  — I don’t care how much money you have… learn Inner Circle before giving me more money first.
  • You have never made money trading — start over in Inner Circle. 
  • You’ve traded for less than 3 years — you’re too new. Keep grinding it out. 

If you’re unsure whether you can trust me to pay me this much: 

…don’t do the coaching. 

If you aren’t sure I can make you multiples in trading profits based on my fee:

…stick with Inner Circle. 

If the price tag is a stretch for you that you’re taking out a 2nd mortgage:

…don’t do this. You can’t trade the right way like that.

Who is my coaching for?

Pretty easy: 

  • You trade with over $500k
  • You are going to trade everyday and learn
  • You can afford the coaching fee and it’ll give you an ROI that makes sense… and can pay it today.

There are no installment plans or discounts.
You’ve seen the work I put in on Inner Circle, the results I’ve shown… especially if you’ve been in the room with me for years. 

You either KNOW or you don’t. 


  1. Click the button below to submit an application for becoming a coaching member. It’s free to submit, but there’s no promise you’ll get in. 
  2. The first 20 to submit and be accepted are in. If you are out of town and don’t see this message for a week, you miss out until the next window opens. 
  3. If you’re accepted, we’ll send you a link for payment. If you don’t pay within 48 hours, your spot is vacated to someone else. 

Submit your application below. 

If you’re a trader with serious money on the line, coaching like this can be a massive multiplier to your account. 

That’s not a promise or guarantee. I can show you countless testimonials from traders who have seen their lives changed just from Inner Circle alone. 

Inner Circle COACHING is taking all of Inner Circle and magnifying it to fit your personal strategy and approach. 

Whether you trade hundreds of millions in a fund… 

Or, you’re trading millions personally making a living… and looking for more… 

Investing in yourself over the next 3 months could be the missing step. 

I don’t know. I’m not a life coach or a savior. Just a long-time pro trader and you’ve seen up close what I can do.


Price for Inner Circle COACHING for just 20 traders: 

$25,000 for 3 months.


I will do 3 sessions each year. 

That’s 9 months total with 3 months off split in 1 month increments throughout the year. 

If you’d rather sign up for all 9 months and reserve your spots for the year, you can sign up for $65,000. 

If you sign up for 1 quarter at a time, you have first dibs to continue for the next session or vacate your spot.

Everyone must submit their application before I even consider you. 

Even if you’ve already received private coaching from me on Telegram. 

My goal is to NOT coach you forever. For you to eventually even outgrow me and go make a fortune on your own… and trade better than me. 

Submit your application below.


Let me just address some elephants in the room:

Why are you launching coaching when Inner Circle is already $6,000-$8,000/year?

Ok, let me clear the air.  And I’ll be blunt.

I honestly don’t need to do any of this. Inner Circle, coaching, responding to Telegrams, etc. 

I make a lot of money trading. I’ve made enough as a hedge fund manager, I’m pretty good. 

Here’s what it is — I love hanging out with awesome, top-notch traders. That’s why I do this. I learn from you too. 

I also love hearing success stories of people making millions following my stuff. There’s not a better feeling honestly. 

I WANT to help everyone 1-on-1. And, if I could, I would. But I can’t. 

I have a family, a wife, a life outside of trading. Helping people 7 days a week, 18 hours per day getting pinged left and right is too much for me. 

The small group I initially coached privately (for free) kept getting bigger… it’s now too much for me.

If you truly want me to give my all to Inner Circle and make it the best damn trading room out there, you need me fresh. It’s not fair to you to pay Inner Circle fees and then I’m gassed and burnt out. 

Having a roped-off, private coaching group with a small group gives me time back, family days back, my sanity back. 

$*%& no. I’m already doing all this stuff behind the scenes. For MORE than 20 people. 

This coaching program now allows me to spend LESS time with traders outside of Inner Circle as I’m only focusing on 20 people, not 50+.

Then don’t do it. I don’t think less of you. 

MOST Inner Circle traders won’t qualify.

I’ll send you out more information in a couple weeks once I get the main coaching group going.

Because I need to structure my time better, and give my attention more to a small group vs. dozens of traders all at once. 

I need my family time back and my sanity. I can’t be on-call to dozens of people all the time. It’s not fair to the other Inner Circle traders who expect me to show up each day.

No. If you’re asking this, don’t do the coaching. I’m just being honest. I’m not trying to make people go into debt for this. Only if you have the money does it make sense to invest this kind of money in coaching for trading.

Submit your application below. 

The first 20 submitted and accepted are in.