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How To Dodge a Bullet When a Breakout Fails

Last week, you learned how to play breakouts like a fiddle.

Here’s the key: all you need to do is learn how to handle yourself in the standard stages of stock movement, and you’ll have 85% of the market covered.

But 85% is not 100%.

No two breakouts are the same, and you can't always count on them to make you money.

So, how can you learn how to avoid the ones that fail?

Sami Abusaad’s latest lesson tells you exactly how to steer clear of breakout failures.

Most failed breakouts happen in exactly the same way: the stock puts in a wide range bar followed by one or more inside narrow range bars. The stock then breaks under the low of the inside bar and begins to break down…

This is what Sami calls BO-NFT: breakout with no follow through.

It’s how almost all breakouts fail.

It’s also how most trends end.

And it’s a concept you need to understand ASAP.