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How to Scan 1,600 Charts in 10 Minutes

How does a pro trader scan for trades?

You're about to see how Sami Abusaad does it — at warp speed.

In this video, Sami shows you:

  • How he uses TC2000 to scan for swing trades and Earnings Plays
  • How he scans through 1,600 charts in 10 minutes
  • Why the good charts are so easy to spot
  • Why he uses big 40″ 4K monitors in his setup
  • The different he runs scans at different times of day
  • A super-simple method for keeping track of the best setups

Sami might be the most productive man in the industry.

He day trades, swing trades, does Earnings Plays, teaches courses, run a trading room, hosts Mentorships, invents news strategies, and makes free videos like this.

So if you've ever wondered how he does it all, you're about to get some answers!