In last week’s sentiment report, traders were somewhat fearful, even with stocks rising like a phoenix off the February 9 low. Since that low, we had: -6 straight days up with markets finishing near the highs each day -2 down days -1 anemic up day with a finish near the day’s lows So let’s measure […]
Continue Reading -->Last week, following the explosion in market volatility, the bulls were finally brought down to earth after 13 months of straight-up action. In January, sentiment was as bullish as I’ve ever seen it in my 14 years of watching the market. Now, traders are clearly more fearful, even with 6 days of bullish buy the […]
Continue Reading -->It took a while, but the bulls were finally brought down to earth after 13 months of straight-up action. And sentiment was remarkably positive from December 2017 until last Friday when volatility exploded, leading to the VIX spiking over 50 on Tuesday morning. It’s common for the market to top out when sentiment gets to […]
Continue Reading -->Sentiment has been remarkably bullish since December 2017. It’s common for the market to top out when sentiment gets to extreme levels, but as we’ve learned in this once-in-a-life-time stretch of happiness, there’s no guarantee. And indeed, even though volatility reared its head this week, the bulls stayed pretty dang happy. So let’s dig into […]
Continue Reading -->Sentiment has been incredibly bullish since early December. It’s common for the market to top out when sentiment gets to extreme levels, but timing trades off sentiment indicators is largely a fool’s game – something made quite clear with the market’s nonstop string of record highs. Stocks just won’t break down, and the dip buyers […]
Continue Reading -->Sentiment has been incredibly bullish since early December 2017. It’s common for the market to top out when sentiment gets to extreme levels, but there’s no guarantee. And indeed, the bulls have been getting rewarded at every turn since the market just won’t break down. So let’s dig into our sentiment indicators to see if […]
Continue Reading -->Sentiment has been incredibly bullish since December 2017. It’s common for the market to top out when sentiment gets to extreme levels, but there’s never a guarantee. And indeed, the bulls have been rewarded with what feels like a nonstop string of record highs. So let’s dig into our sentiment indicators to see if the […]
Continue Reading -->Sentiment was very bullish in December 2017. But the bullishness us turning into straight-up lunacy. Don’t believe me? Just check out the numbers! (click here for a primer on the sentiment indicators below) 1) VIX Spread – Bullish The VIX has been making intraday lows around 9 for the past 3 days, indicating that traders expect […]
Continue Reading -->The bulls are back in town. Actually, they’ve been back for 3 weeks. Let’s move to our sentiment indicators so you can see what I mean: (click here for a primer on the sentiment indicators below) 1) VIX Spread – Bullish Late Friday morning, the VIX was as low as 9.96, which is pretty low based […]
Continue Reading -->Let me get right to the point: traders are crazy bullish right now. I love to troll the bears for crying that everyone’s too bullish, but today they’re finally right. Let’s work through the numbers so you can see what I’m talking about — and I’ll give you an idea of how you can start […]
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